Dallas Area Agency on Aging

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    A New DAAA Service

    The Dallas Area Agency on Aging home delivered meals program can provide nutritional meals to older adults 60+ living in Dallas County.


    The home-delivered program particularly serves those in greatest economic and social need, who are homebound by reason of illness or incapacitating disability, and those who are otherwise isolated.


    To apply or learn more about the program? Please call the following number at 469-839-6700 or fill out the form below.

  • Home Delivered Meals Program form

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    Help for Older Adults & Caregivers


    The Dallas Area Agency on Aging coordinates a comprehensive, integrated service access system. The Dallas Area Agency on Aging Care Managers work to ensure easy access to services provided to and for Dallas County older adults and their caregivers. The following services are currently provided by Dallas Area Agency on Aging.

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    Information, Referral and Assistance

    The Aging Information Office is a quick response service specifically designed to specially assist older adults with the most up-to-date, local, regional, and national information and available resources for their needs.

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    Care Coordination

    This program works to assist older adult clients with difficult or multiple problems. Services include:

    • Minor Home Repair
    • Chore Services
    • Personal Assistance
    • Health Maintenance
    • Income Support
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    Family Caregiver Support

    This program provides a multi-faceted system of support services for family caregivers and grandparents raising grandchildren or older individuals who are relative caregivers. The intent is to ease the emotional, physical, and financial strain of caregiving. Services include:

    • Respite Care
    • Minor Home Repair
    • Chore Services
    • Income Support
    • Health Maintenance

    To reach the Aging Information Office and for questions and assistance regarding Care Coordination and Family Caregiver Services, please call toll-free 1 (888) 223-9509 or email impact@ccadvance.org. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.

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    Benefits Counseling Program

    The Dallas Area Agency on Aging Benefits Counseling Program is a part of the Health Information, Counseling and Advocacy Program, (HICAP). The mission of HICAP is to educate and assist older adults 60+ years of age and Medicare-eligible individuals, their families and caregivers through objective outreach, counseling and training to make informed health insurance decisions that optimize access to care and benefits.


      Information Benefits Counseling Provides

      • Medicare Basics
      • Medicare Plans
      • Other Health Insurance Benefits
      • Long Term Care Options
      • Legal Assistance - Appeals, Power of Attorney, Advance Directives

      How Can the Benefits Counseling Program Help You?

      The Benefits Counselors are specialists trained in Medicare eligibility, benefits and options, and health insurance. They provide objective and free assistance so older adults can make informed choices about their benefits. They also provide community outreach, application assistance and information and referral services.

      How Do I Contact the Benefits Counseling Program?

      Call 214-871-5065 to speak to a Benefits Counselor for telephone counseling or to make an appointment.

      Other Referrals or Resources

    • transportation services

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      Many older adults and people with disabilities find it hard to travel to work, doctors appointments, or to visit friends. At MyRide Dallas, we want you to stay mobile and continue living a full, rich life.


      Let MyRide Dallas connect you to the transportation options you need and keep moving around town.

      Download a copy of the Get A Ride HERE

      Give us a call! 972-855-8084

    • Contact Us

      Need more information? Fill out the form below!

      1341 W Mockingbird Lane
      Suite 1000W
      Dallas, TX 75247
      Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:30pm
      (214) 871 - 5065
    • Contact Us

      Don't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.