• Economic Mobility

    Moving people out of poverty and into living wage employment.

  • Emergency Rent or Utility Assistance


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    Did you know?

    The poverty rate in Dallas is the third highest in the country and considered one of its top challenges. Community Council of Greater Dallas believes access to financial assistance and additional opportunities for people with disadvantaged backgrounds is a major component to the solution.



    Qualifications for Assistance


    Effective January 1, 2025, if you have received services in 2024 through any of our programs, you will not be eligible for financial support from our department until January 1, 2026.

    Due to the overwhelming demand for rental assistance, we will not be accepting new clients through our online portal during the month of March. Thank you for your understanding.

    Please be aware that submission of an application does not guarantee acceptance until a case manager contacts you. Our processing can last up to 4 weeks. Once the maximum capacity of applications is reached, the portal will be closed. The portal opens at 9 am. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.

    If you are facing immediate eviction, please contact Dallas Eviction Advocacy Center (Dallas Eviction Advocacy Center - Dallas Eviction Advocacy Center (dallaseac.org) at info@dallaseac.org or 469-436-2704.

    Notica Special:

    A partir del 1 de enero de 2025, si ha recibido servicios en 2024 a través de cualquiera de nuestros programas, no será elegible para el apoyo financiero de nuestro departamento hasta el 1 de enero de 2026.

    Debido a la abrumadora demanda de asistencia para elalquiler, no aceptaremos nuevos clientes a través de nuestro portal en línea durante el mes de marzo. Gracias por su comprensión.

    Tenga en cuenta que meter una solicitud no garantiza la aceptación de su solicitud hasta que un trabajador social se comunique con usted. Nuestro procesamiento puede durar hasta 4 semanas. Una vez que se alcanza la capacidad máxima de aplicaciones, el portal se cierra automáticamente. El portal abre a las 9 am.

    Si se enfrenta a un desalojo inmediato, comuníquese con Dallas EvictionAdvocacy Center (Dallas Eviction Advocacy Center -Dallas Eviction Advocacy Center (dallaseac.org) usando el correoelectrónico info@dallaseac.org or 469-436-2704.

    Emergency rent assistance is only open to Dallas County residents who are below 200% of the federal poverty level depending on funding availability.


    No utility assistance can be provided at this time. Please contact Dallas County Health and Human Services.


    Your landlord or leasing office must agree to work with Community Council of Greater Dallas. Our online portal closes after the maximum amount of applications have been reached for the month.  Services are provided on a first come, first served basis and we will contact everyone as soon as possible. At this time, we are currently only able to assist with up to one month of rental assistance. 


    All participants must meet income guidelines to qualify for services. Income is based on gross household income for the previous 30 days of employment. Only income for adults 18 and older will be assessed to qualify.

  • Program Year 2025 Income Limits for CSBG / (EffectiveJanuary 27, 2025)

    Límites de ingresos del año programático 2025 para CSBG / (Apartir del 27 de enero de 2025)

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    Important Updated Information

    • US Citizens and Dallas County residents only.
    • Adding ALL family members to your online application is beneficial to confirm eligibility in a timely manner.
    • Be prepared to submit ALL necessary documents to support application for assistance to your assigned Community Council staff member.
    • Services are provided on a first come, first serve basis and are subject to program funding.

    Required Documents Check Here

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    Información Importante Actualizada

    • Solo para ciudadanos de EE. UU. y residentes del condado de Dallas.
    • Incluir a todos los miembros de su familia en su solicitud en línea es beneficioso para confirmar su elegibilidad de manera oportuna.
    • Esté preparado para presentar todos los documentos necesarios que respalden su solicitud de asistencia a su representante asignado del Community Council.
    • Los servicios se brindan por orden de llegada y están sujetos a la disponibilidad de fondos del programa.

    Documentos Requeridos Revisa Aquí

  • FAQs

    check out our frequently asked questions page for more information on our emergency services program.

  • Looking to check the status of your application?

    click the link below