2-1-1 changes lives
Mr. Gerry Story Continues ….
A small tagline
Gerry, an amputee, had not walked in several years. The Department of Rehabilitative Services offers retraining programs that match skills and abilities so that people can work and live more productive lives. Gerry excitedly reported that he had contacted them. They measured and fitted him for prosthetic leg, which he received on April 28th. Two days later he took his first ten-minute walk. Gerry expressed his gratitude for the referral and his new lease on life.
When you need help with a special need, call 2-1-1 to see what resources are available to you.
- Funds Can Be Used for, (but not limited to):
- Food
- Medically Related Costs
- Rent
- Utilities (water, gas, electric)
- Other
Eligibility Requirements:
- Participants must be a resident of Dallas County.
- Participant must be <=125% poverty level of household income according to the Federal Income Guidelines.
Required Documentation:
- Picture Identification
- Proof of household income for all adults 18 and older
- Completed application and any additional documentation prior to any appointments
Clients who do not work or cannot provide income verification due to extenuating circumstances must complete the Declaration of Income Statement form found HERE:Please note: Funding is not guaranteed and is contingent upon the availability of funds. Eligibility for services may vary depending on sources of income and other factors. Please contact CSBG via email @ csbgdatateam@ccadvance.org if you are not sure how to determine eligibility.
CSBG is a federal, anti-poverty block grant which provides funding to Community Action Agencies and other programs that seek to address and alleviate poverty at the community level.
cOMMUNITy services block grant
Connecting Kids to Coverage
Contact Us
Community Council of Greater Dallas Inc.
1341 W. Mockingbird Lane, Suite 1000W
Dallas, TX 75247
Phone: 214-871-5065
Fax: 214-879-0742
Email: impact@
EIN: 75-0800631
Designated as a 501(c)3
© 2024 Community Council of Greater Dallas Inc.